Love leaves His mark on this oak at the foot of the driveway at Lilac Hill
Lessons from the Gateway
Lesson #1 -- God is LOVE
He said to me, "I love you! In Me, you are an oak of righteousness, firmly planted in the soil of My love. Continue to abide in Me, and I will abide in you -- forever." That made me smile inside and out.
"Yes Lord, You are Love. I want my roots to go deep in You -- to be as solid and immovable as that oak tree."
Lesson #2 -- Divine Intervention
I posted the photo of this oak tree with a heart at its base along with John 4:16 on June 19. Three days later, I decided to make a quick stop in to see my 97 year old father while I was out doing some errands. As I pulled into his driveway at Lilac Hill around 10:00am, I found a massive branch had fallen from an oak closer to the entrance. I couldn't reach my father.
"This is very odd," I said to myself. "We haven't had a storm or any high winds since I was here last night." I got out of my car, planning to drag the branch out of the way, but it was too heavy to even budge, and I'm not a weakling! I made some calls, but could find no immediate solution.
When I came with my father's dinner that evening at 5:30, I was surprised to find the tree limb had been pulled off to the side. The driveway was passible.
I called my sister Melissa. "Who came to the rescue?" I asked.
"The oddest thing happened, " she said. "When I came to see Dad at 1:00, a pizza delivery man pulled up behind me. A little man got out and pulled the limb out of the way for me, and then went on his way. I mean, this was not a big, strapping fellow. He was very small. I think he was an angel."
He will command His angles concerning you to guard you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11
Tomorrow, Lesson #3 -- Abiding